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Passive Sensing – A cloak of invisibility in the field

Within the Flexnet Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) system, all sensors use passive technology whether they detect vibrations, sounds or heat radiation. Contrasting with active sensors, the passive ones are silent – They just listen to what is happening in their environment and provide military personnel with countless benefits.

Passive technology is at the core of Flexnet sensors, as it provides covert and reliable intelligence gathering, while minimizing the risk of detection and interference by adversaries. Such a capability is crucial in modern military operations as it brings:

Moreover, passive sensors typically require less maintenance and consume less power compared to active sensors, hence making them more cost-effective for widespread deployment, especially in large-scale military operations when affordable mass is not an option.

In the case of Flexnet, this technology is particularly relevant for SOF and ISR missions in hostile areas. Combined with other aspects of the system, such as the low SWaP of the sensors or the silent mesh radio network, Flexnet is a true force multiplier that provides soldiers with adequate stealthiness.

This is what Bertin Exensor is all about: supporting forces in the field with numerous sensing capabilities.

Passive sensing for the win.